The Happiness Advantage | Orange Frog Workshop

Positive Environments Enhance Performance

Misty talking with group of other frogs.

The Happiness Advantage | Orange Frog Workshop™ provides a blueprint for increasing employee engagement, tapping into people's intrinsic motivations, improving performance, increasing optimism, and maximizing potential in the workplace and our personal lives.

Based on the works of positive psychology researcher Shawn Achor, taught in Harvard’s famed happiness course and to companies worldwide, this experiential workshop teaches the science of peak performance based on the seven actionable principles from The Happiness Advantage. It provides a sustainable approach to enhancing individual, team, and organization productivity.

The workshop uses metaphor and narrative to make The Happiness Advantage research come to life.

In The Orange Frog, the main character is a frog named Spark who undergoes a transformative journey, turning “orange” on an island of green frogs. Spark, a positive outlier, is adaptive, optimistic, and open to change. He doesn't cause transformation per se, but his journey guides others to find it within themselves, inspiring them with the potential for personal growth and change.

After learning to embrace the benefits of The Happiness Advantage, workshop participants are encouraged and empowered to share these benefits with co-workers. This sharing leads to a positive “ripple effect” that spreads throughout the organization and even into their personal lives. Participants also learn and experience the practices of resilient leaders, becoming more adaptable and capable of capitalizing on critical opportunities, further enhancing their sense of empowerment and influence.

Discover why THIS WORKSHOP has a proven track record of raising engagement scores and boosting levels of optimism and well-being, alleviating stress, and delivering significant financial results and desired business outcomes. This emphasis on tangible benefits instills confidence in the workshop's effectiveness, making the audience more receptive to its potential.

The Orange Frog by Shawn Achor

Shawn Achor headshot beside Happiness Advantage and Orange Frog books.

Watch: Who is Spark?

An engaging parable that illustrates the journey to creating a happier, more productive, and more satisfying life and workplace.

Caught between two worlds, Spark was like every other frog in his pond with one notable exception. Spark emerges from a tadpole with a slight but noticeable orange spot. And this orange spot makes Spark feel uncomfortably different. Moreover, Spark begins to make a disconcerting observation; the orange spots increase when he does things that make him feel better (and produce more positive results). Spark is left with a difficult decision: be normal, which makes him less conspicuous, or continue doing those things that make him happier, more productive, and… more orange.

So begins the parable of The Orange Frog, a disarming tale that serves as the starting point for the Happiness Advantage | Orange Frog Workshop™.

By the end of the story, readers see and feel pressures they recognize in their day-to-day life.

They also witness the remarkable transformation that takes place when Spark finally chooses to adopt an orange way of life. Not only do his engagement, personal satisfaction, and productivity increase, but these same results slowly start to ripple out to the other frogs in the pond.

This parable, along with The Happiness Advantage | Orange Frog Workshop™, impacts every dimension of human potential -performance, intelligence, creativity, leadership ability, and health – in an increasingly interconnected world where our biggest potential lies in ourability and positivity to influence others.

Being orange is open to us all, not just based on our environments but also on the voluntary activities and mindsets we cultivate within them. New habits and mindsets can transform us. But we often need help—positive outliers like Spark that signal the path forward and reinforce our new beliefs in the face of uncertainty.