Misty talking with group of other frogs.

The Virtual Experience

Help people see beyond challenges, engage with their best brains, build resilience, and mobilize an optimistic mindset wherever they are.

Our flagship workshop, now available in a virtual format, offers a unique learning experience. It is designed to be flexible, with options for one-day or multi-day/time formats. The workshop includes online pre-work, pre- and post-workshop assessments, and engaging experiential learning.

Our virtual workshop is not a watered-down version of our flagship program. It's an interactive journey that leverages technology to create an immersive, engaging learning environment. This environment is designed to evoke positive emotions and foster social connection, while also empowering participants to choose happiness and understand the impact of their thoughts and actions within their organization. The workshop also helps create new, positive social scripts and establish proven habits for positive change, regardless of the environment.

What participants are saying about the experience

“I just finished the Orange Frog class and had a blast! It was interactive and highly engaging. The importance of a positive attitude in every aspect of our lives cannot be overstated, and the class provided many very practical and easy-to-implement best practices to help grow and maintain that positive energy.”

The group breakout sessions were great!”

“I like this format, user-friendly. Best online professional development yet.”

“I love all the positive conversations in breakout rooms! And, of course, you guys are making this possible and your positive lingo! We definitely needed this!”