Happiness Fuels Success

In Health Centers

Within the ranks of our nation’s health centers  ̶  where burnout, uncertainty, and acute staffing shortages are the norm  ̶  it is possible to create and sustain an optimistic, highly engaged workforce.

In 2008, Shawn Achor began discussing the potential of positive psychology in the workplace with leaders worldwide. This emerging science revealed a strong link between happiness and optimal performance for individual employees and their organizations. Research in positive psychology and neuroscience continues to uncover many benefits for happy organizations, such as higher profitability and customer satisfaction ratings, increased productivity, lower turnover and absenteeism, and reduced stress levels.

Prioritizing happiness can become an organization's biggest advantage in a competitive, highly demanding healthcare environment.

The Happiness Advantage │ Orange Frog Workshop, teaches the science of peak performance based on the seven actionable principles from The Happiness Advantage and provides an engaging, sustainable approach to enhancing joy, optimism, resilience, and well-being in healthcare. The only evidence-based offering started in the classroom at Harvard, and whose research has now extended to over 50 countries.

The program impacts every dimension of human potential—performance, intelligence, creativity, leadership ability, and health—in an increasingly interconnected world where our biggest potential lies in our ability and positivity to influence others.

"Our staff experienced burnout and was being enticed to leave for higher pay and benefits at other healthcare facilities. We knew staff had a choice and needed them to stay working for us. We made the Happiness Advantage and Brilliantly Orange Culture part of our strategic plan. I’m happy to say that the plan worked. Initiating the Happiness Advantage |Orange Frog training with all employees was our first step."

Joey Marie Horton, CEO, North Country Family Health Center, Watertown, New York

We invite you to begin an exciting journey leading to more positive environments and better business outcomes.

"Speak with one of our Happiness Advantage in Health Center experts to discuss your specific needs."